Sadaf Laser Center

Sadaf Laser Center

Clients: Dr.Gita Faghihi, Dr.Mohamad Radan

location: Amadegah Ave, Isfahan, Iran

Type: Office Building, Reconstruction

Status: Completed

Scale: Small

Lead Architect:  Ali Karbaschi

Construction: Satrap Architectural Studio

Photographer: Ahmad Reyhan

The project’s overall plan was integration two units together and changed it into a Skin Clinic and Laser Center. the case is placed at the third floor of an official-medical building, in one of the most crowded street of Isfahan province, AMADEGAH.

The Design IDEA of this project is a mixed metaphor of HUMAN SKIN STRUCTURE. In fact, these structural, visual and materialistic features are the pretext of human skin to reveal the qualities and characteristics of the superiority of a particular visual form. Both examples of tangible and intangible metaphor has been used in creating different spaces. In fact, in this case, the designing is more than the apparent similarities with the origin of the metaphor have been created which in addition of ignoring the visual memories and objective source of visual metaphor, maintain and even improve the basic features in the space. Restrictions on certain criteria such as those about health clinic by the Ministry of Health, The physical condition and the existing mechanical facilities, were the design problems.

On the other hand, accumulation of lots of performance expectations in one place, because of economy reasons ( the price of construction and interior changing costs ) was mandatory and inevitable.

To reach this purpose, plan design process was based on separation of different functional parts with conformity of the geometric harmony that functional needs of each part separately provided and appropriate expression of each element as a part of combination.

For this purpose, in design of celling, has tried to mingle and integrate the best performance in a larger cartesian volume.

The result was a space that also features special visual impact on visitors, with dynamic and organic forms and suitable space colors, combined with a relaxed environment for staffs and visitors.




  • Date : 10.03.2019